Saturday 31 May 2008


My third year at uni has now come to an end, it's crazy to think that I only have one year left. So no more exams until January and an amazing summer to look forward to, filled with friends, family, God and hopefully some amazing sunshine!
At the last Radiate Big Sunday of the academic year we had a time of sharing what God has done in our life this year, and so I thought I would share my thoughts on here too.

This year I have felt stretched and challenged; particularly at CSM.
(by the way - you should all go!)
The first year at CSM had been so joyful, encountering God and growing in an amazing way. This year was still encountering God, and growing in an amazing way, but was a lot more challenging. It seemed like each time we prayed or had worship, God showed me something that I needed to hand over to him, let him take the hurts and desires so that he could restore and grow me.

I love the fact that God never reveals something to you 'for fun', he always does with the intention of restoring, healing, and showing you his love.

Surrendering my desires to God was difficult, but brought such freedom. More than that, God was incredibly amazing (as always :D ). Once I had truly surrended my desires to him, once I was at the point where, it didn't matter if it ever happended, because as long as I was in God's will that's all I needed - he fulfilled them!

It says in Matt 6:33
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

We always need to surrender to God. Sometimes the things we surrender are destructive desires, and they will never be desires that God will fulfil, simply because they are not his will for our life. Other times, it's not that God is withholding things from us, but more that we need to put him first in all areas of our life.

The second thing I shared, was being thankful for how much my friends have grown in God this year. It has made my heart smile, seeing people worship him, pray to him, give godly advice.

Something that I didn't share at Big Sunday, was being thankful for Joe. God has blessed me with an awesome husband, and it is always a privilege to share my life with him. He is so supportive and loving, and continually seeks after God. Marriage is awesome :D