Saturday 31 May 2008


My third year at uni has now come to an end, it's crazy to think that I only have one year left. So no more exams until January and an amazing summer to look forward to, filled with friends, family, God and hopefully some amazing sunshine!
At the last Radiate Big Sunday of the academic year we had a time of sharing what God has done in our life this year, and so I thought I would share my thoughts on here too.

This year I have felt stretched and challenged; particularly at CSM.
(by the way - you should all go!)
The first year at CSM had been so joyful, encountering God and growing in an amazing way. This year was still encountering God, and growing in an amazing way, but was a lot more challenging. It seemed like each time we prayed or had worship, God showed me something that I needed to hand over to him, let him take the hurts and desires so that he could restore and grow me.

I love the fact that God never reveals something to you 'for fun', he always does with the intention of restoring, healing, and showing you his love.

Surrendering my desires to God was difficult, but brought such freedom. More than that, God was incredibly amazing (as always :D ). Once I had truly surrended my desires to him, once I was at the point where, it didn't matter if it ever happended, because as long as I was in God's will that's all I needed - he fulfilled them!

It says in Matt 6:33
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

We always need to surrender to God. Sometimes the things we surrender are destructive desires, and they will never be desires that God will fulfil, simply because they are not his will for our life. Other times, it's not that God is withholding things from us, but more that we need to put him first in all areas of our life.

The second thing I shared, was being thankful for how much my friends have grown in God this year. It has made my heart smile, seeing people worship him, pray to him, give godly advice.

Something that I didn't share at Big Sunday, was being thankful for Joe. God has blessed me with an awesome husband, and it is always a privilege to share my life with him. He is so supportive and loving, and continually seeks after God. Marriage is awesome :D

Tuesday 8 April 2008


Saturday 5 April 2008

John Ortberg - Love Beyond Reason - Being Loved means Being Chosen

Pg 162:
"In God's love my chosenness never comes at anyone else's expense. God chooses, or loves, each of his children with infinite uniqueness. His plan is for my chosenness to enhance the lives or others, not diminish them"

Pg 165:
"Live a life of comparision or competition, and you end up with no joy at all. God holds out joy for each of us. We are all made to do and see things in a unique way - God has designed you to know the joy or being a teacher or helper or encourager or designer - and when you find it and offer it up you will know joy. And God has made you to know the joy of receiving and celebrating the gifts of those around you. If you offer your gifts (let go of them) and humbly recieve the gifts of others, your joy will be made complete."

"For in Christ God is drawing all men to himself. God whispers on the cross 'I wish you belonged to me. I choose you'. "

Saturday 22 March 2008

Thankful for my friends :)

The title kind of sums up what this blog is about! (Feeling v soppy today!)

Since moving to Aberdeen, God has blessed me with a crazy amount of seriously awesome people. The sort of people you can laugh with, cry with, have fun with, learn from, be encouraged by, and just generally spend hours with and not get bored!

You all mean tons to me, I hope you know how much, and I am so, so grateful for you all.

Monday 3 March 2008

Jesus, Be the Centre

People influence each other, hang round someone for too long and you will pick up their lingo(or even accent!)

Christians are by definition, followers of Christ

What would happen if we all spent more time with Jesus, not because we have to, or because we are told to, but out of our love for him.

We would be influenced by him, we would see things through his eyes; people, situations challenges we face. We would be completely changed - and would have such a profound effect on the world around us.

The New Testament shows that this is true, 12 disciples then, and a huge amount of Christians 2000 years later.

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace"

What a challenge for us, to make Jesus the centre of our lives, to dwell in his presence, to see things the way he does and to love as he does.

Saturday 26 January 2008

Desperate for God

I feel like everything that I read or hear at the moment is talking about being desperate for God.

We need to come to a place of desperation before Him, and acknowledge that we need Him.

Most people only come to that place when a crisis hits, or when God is the only option left, but what a challenge to be the kind of person who is desperate for God to take control, during all of life's experiences, during the highs and the lows.

James 4:6 says
"God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble"

and Isaiah 30:18 says
"Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you, He rises to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him."

These two Scriptures are not ones I had considered together before, but I love how they interact.

The LORD longs to be gracious, and he gives grace to the humble, he blesses those who wait on him. Waiting on God requires us to humble ourselves before Him, to sacrifice our time, our plans and our tasks, and to see what He has to say, yet in times of desperation we are more than willing to seek his face... We cry out to our father, and He answers:

Isaiah 30:19 "How gracious he will be when you cry for help! As soon as he hears, He will answer you"

Imagine the impact that God would have on our lives, if we dwelled in that place of desperation, regardless of life's circumstances, daily acknowledging that he is Lord, humbling ourselves and waiting on Him, trusting Him to intervene.